Hi my name is Yasin and I am a Software Architect at Iceberg Digital,

Dosya:https://pbs.twimg.com/profile images/901789430276612097/WBsNculm.jpg

I have 12 years’ experience in developing open source web projects , some of which you can find on GitHub. github.com/tuvaergun - www.tuva.me

As well as having developed the first RSVO application in Turkey, I have taken part in projects in various sectors which include hospitality and e-commerce.

I specialise in improving the connection between businesses and their customers.

I am currently improving my skills and expertise on AI, CTI and IVR technologies

We provide marketing automation and artificial intelligence software to real estate agents. We have won multiple awards for marketing technology and digital transformation.

we are working with thousands of traditional estate agents to transform them into more digital and data driven businesses, as this the only way that we believe they will exist in the next five to ten years.

Our bigger vision is to modernize the industry in both the UK and Overseas providing them with one central source of deep information in their business.